Python advanced
Python is one of the most popular programming languages of today. It is very easy to pick up, but as many other scripting languages there are several not so obvious features and techniques that are needed to produce quality code.
Python is a general purpose programming language that comprises of procedural, object-oriented, functional, and scripting paradigms. It is very easy to learn, and not impossible to master. As a versatile and powerful language is used in several areas including general programming, automated testing, system administration, game development, dynamic web page generation. Python scripts can be used in multiple platforms, as long as an interpreter is present. For most parts the scripts can be used as is.
2 päivää
1645 €
Target Group
The course is suitable for people who already know the basics of Python and want to dig deeper.
Teaching and course material are in English. Kurssi voidaan luennoida suomeksi mikäli kaikki osallistujat ovat suomenkielisiä.
Contents of Python advanced
1st day
- Short recap of Python language
- Some seldom used Python features, hacks and pitfalls
- Virtual Python environments
- Packaging and distributing
- Iterators
- Testing Python code
2nd day
- Generators
- Closures, Decorators
- Magic Methods
- Advanced Classes (descriptors, metaclass)
- Concurrent programming
- Python memory management
Course begins at 9.00 and ends at 16.-16.30. Breakfast is served from 8.15 onwards.
Hinta 1645 € +alv
Erittäin hyvä koulutus. Kouluttaja erittäin ammattitaitoinen ja osasi koulutukseen sisältöön liittyvät asiat erinomaisesti. Tilat ja tarjoilut erittäin hyvät.
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