SAFe® trainings

SAFe® brings benefits to organisations by putting the customer at the center.

SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager with POPM Certification

Tehokasta tuotehallintaa ja arvontuottoa ketterästi Haluatko selkeyttää rooleja, parantaa yhteistyötä ja nostaa asiakasarvon tuottamisen aivan uudelle tasolle? SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) -koulutus tarjoaa konkreettiset ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 days 24.-25.4.
1195 €OR
1,8 training card days

Leading SAFe with SAFe Agilist (SA) Certification

Liiketoiminnan ketteryys uudelle tasolle – SAFe® -viitekehys käytännössä Opi skaalamaan ketteryyttä tiimitasolta koko organisaatioon ja menesty digitaalisessa aikakaudessa. Digitaalinen toimintaympäristö vaatii yrityksiltä kykyä sopeutua nopeasti. ...
Tampere Classroom
2 days 5.-6.5.
1195 €OR
1,8 training card days

SAFe Lean Portfolio Management with LPM CertificationNew!

In this two-day workshop style course, attendees gain the practical tools and techniques necessary to Implement the Lean Portfolio Management functions of Strategy and Investment ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 days 19.-20.5.
1645 €OR
2,5 training card days

Agile Day 2025

Ketteryyden uusi aikakausi alkaa täältä Perinteiset menetelmät eivät enää riitä - miten ketteryys muutetaan aidoksi kilpailueduksi? Agile Day 2025 -tapahtumassa lavalle nousevat Suomen #1 asiantuntijat, ...
Helsinki Classroom
1 day 3.6.
1195 €OR
1,5 training card days

SAFe Scrum Master with SSM Certification

Ota haltuun Scrum Masterin rooli skaalautuvassa ympäristössä ja varmista tiimiesi menestys! Ketteryyden laajentaminen organisaatiotasolla vaatii enemmän kuin vain tiimitason Scrum-osaamista. SAFe® Scrum Master -koulutus (SSM-sertifiointi) ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 days 5.-6.6.
1195 €OR
1,8 training card days

SAFe Release Train Engineer with RTE certification

Facilitate and enable end-to-end value delivery through Agile Release Trains (ARTs) - and learn how to build a high-performing ART through servant leadership and coaching ...
4 days
2450 €

SAFe for Architects with ARCH Certification

Architecting for continuous value flow with SAFe® During this three-day course, attendees will explore the roles, responsibilities, and mindset of Agile Architects, and appreciate how to ...
3 days
1990 €OR
3 training card days

SAFe for Teams with SP Certification

A SAFe 6 Practitioner (SP) is a Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) team member responsible for using Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) in a SAFe ...
2 days
1195 €OR
1,9 training card days

SAFe DevOps Practitioner with SDP Certification

SAFe® DevOps course provides you a comprehensive overview for understanding the DevOps competencies needed to accelerate time-to-market by improving the flow of value through the ...
2 days
1195 €OR
1,9 training card days

SAFe Agile Software Engineering with ASE Certification

This Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) course provides you the principles and practices that make up the Agile Software Engineering discipline. Attending the class prepares you to take the ...
3 days
1695 €OR
2,9 training card days

SAFe Scrum Master with SSM Certification training

Take on the role of a Scrum Master in a scalable environment and ensure the success of your teams! Extending agility at the organisational level ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 days
1,8 training card days

SAFe for Architects

Exemplifying Lean-Agile architecture Architecting for DevOps and Release on Demand Aligning architecture with business value Developing Solution Vision, Solution Intent, and Roadmaps Preparing architecture for PI Planning Coordinating architecture throughout ...
3 days 9.-11.6.
2925 €


SAFe® brings benefits to organisations by putting the customer at the centre

The most popular framework for scaling agility is Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe), is widely used for example in the financial sector and telecom operators. In addition, the framework is also widely used as an inspiration for agility in many organizations, even if they have not adopted the so-called pure SAFe.

SAFe is a framework honed from years of practical experience, particularly designed to support large organisations in agility when developing complex products in collaboration with multiple scrum/kanban teams.

If you work in a SAFe environment as part of agile teams, for example as a Product Owner or Scrum Master, you can get a basic understanding of SAFe and iteration/PI execution from our wide variety of SAFe trainings.

Learn more about SAFe®